Monday, May 16, 2011

Willy Wonka at Homestead?

So the theme for prom this yr is willy wonka and the chocolate factory. I even heard the tickets are a chocolate bar pretty nifty huh? I just go my dress this past Saturday, yeah I know I like to wait to the last minute what can I say. I guess I can fill you in a little more after prom to tell how the whole thing went down, and if it was a great or noot.


Yay, so they are not moving to California ! I am so excited when I heard the news. They were just here again visting, I love seeing them, although when they come I act like I have no responsibilities aka I skipped work. Oppps,but it was fun visiting with them again. They are moving to a place closer to where me and my cousins wife like to shop so that is a VERY good thing for her and I Don't you think? OHHHHHH, and my little munchkin does not have a cast on anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!! She has a brace but that is going to be taken off really soon here and she is a free little girl ! :)

Monday, May 9, 2011

6 Poems

theme: Christmas
Poems Selected:
1. Christmas Eve: My Mother Dressing By:Toi Derricottie
2.The First Day of Christmas By: Mother Goose
3.December 26 by :Kenn Nesbitt
4.Litte Tree By: E.E. Cummings
5. Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas by: Major Henry Livingston, Jr
6. A Christmas Song by: Norman Williams
My Video peom will probably The First Day of Christmas

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Life lessons

Do you ever wounder why we go through challenges we go through? You ever think some of the things you find yourself going through you feel as if you shouldn't be the one to go through it? Sometimes feel as if know one can understand you and your by yourself on things?? Yes, I can answer that to every question. Sometimes I think that life's challenges can be to much and I wish I can go back to when I was a baby and life would be easier. I find it that when you find a friend you can talk to you may realize they are going or have gone through the things you have, and they can be there to talk to and you guys can look to each other for support. I am glad that in my life I have found people who I am able to talk to and help me.


So my favorite uncle will be getting married in November. Its kind of exciting but yet I find it out to be a drag. See I'm use to being with my uncle ALL the time, and now I feel like it won't be like that due to the fact he will have a wife around even more. I don't know how I should really feel about this, or if its being to selfish? hmmmm

Wired Family

I think my family can easily fit into this catergory of being a "wired family." Its crazy how much we are in our own little world, my mom will be on her ipad, dad's on his iphone,me on my laptop and my little sister in ipod touch. Even if we're not on those devices we are constantly on our phones, even when we are to sit down as a family and watching a movie. Television is not as big as being on the computers. I think its kind of sad how some of us will be up stairs and others down or even us being right beside each other and still text each other to communicate. Laptops, Ipads, Ipods, phones have a big role in what we do, because we seem to be on them all the time and instead of maybe having a family conversation we would rather be streaming Netflix, or Facebook, or latest fashions we can buy. I think most of every American family goes through this just because of what all there is out there, and it seems more interesting then to have conversations with one another. Communicating through devices are becoming more efficient then an one on one talk.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Time is ticking, months has gone by since Mogan's mom had passed. Morgan seems to be doing a little better each day, in Julianne's eyes anyways. Julianne has met a guy named Micheal. He seems to be the guy for her, he's intelligent, cares for her, will do just about anything for her that you can imagine. They begin to see a lot of each other, always hanging out. one night Micheal takes Julianne to a play and her mother Dee is out of town and not suppose to return till one, two o'clock in the morning. After the play the kids return to Julianne's house, and they begin to do things they shouldn't be doing. Micheal takes Julianne back to her room, and from there I think is self explanitory but if you do not get the hint they did the dirty dirty. When they were done Julianne had phoned Morgan to tell her what had just taken place. Morgan was so happy for her but Julianne felt sad and dissapointed. She wasn't sure why she was feeling the way she was feeling after all, she did love Micheal right? Noticing what time it was she had to get off the phone with Morgan to wake Micheal and have him out the door before Dee had returned. To their luck as Micheal was getting dressed he discovers that he had lost his wallet now they are all over the apartment trying to look for it. Micheal begins to get a tempor and starts banging up the walls, a side of him that Julianne had never seen and was quit terrified of it. His knuckles were bleeding and as soon as she began to look they here the key unlocking the door, Dee had returned.
A new charcter has come into play, Susan Avery, Micheal's mother. Her and Micheal don't really get a long to much, because they don't really share the same interest with each other they are just the complete opposite.
To continueee....,


Yay, I got to see my little munchkin yesterday. They came to visit but sad to say they are leaving today. Some good news to share, yesterday she had another doc appointment, they put her in a brace for now. Friday she goes for a check up and if her hips in place they will keep her in the brace but if not they will put it back in a cast and then in 4-6 weeks she will be done for good ! She is getting so big,and growing more hair..finally.It was so good to see her for a little while last night, I'm sad that they have to go back today. It was fun though !

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Blog Day

In purpleflower I like some of the post that they did. on the 1000 awsesome things i can relate to most of what they had listed, I've been in all of those situations. I also like where they talked about spring, because I am soooo ready for it to get here ! It somewhat shares the mood that most of us are ready to have.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Posh By: Lucy Jackson

This book starts off with a women names Elizabeth Goldfine, she a women who is wealthy and seems like she has a lot for herself. She had been diagnosed and her llife was to be terminated six months give or take a month. As she is on her death bead the only thing she thinks to do is get a manicure. She has a daughter who's name is Morgan, and Morgan's bestfriend is names Julianne. Elizabeth doesn't seem to take her death seriously, she simply states that everyone must go at sometime, Morgan is the one who is having a hard time with it. When they see that Elizabeth had passed they begin to notify everyone they needed too, Kathryn Hoffman, headmistress of Griffin School, had sent out emails to everyone informing them of when the funeral was to take place. Julianne's mother, Dee is more of one who rather be the bestfriend then the parent.
Throuh all what is happening the most the interested me was that Elizabeth wasn't all to concerned with her dying, she just says it part of the cycle of life. If I were to be in that situation I would be so devistated that my mom was about to leave me , not by choice of course but still the fact of losing one that I adore so much, it is heartbreaking. I hope that I wouldn't have to go through that.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sometimes we wounder why we go through some of the things we go through. People say they're simply tests , and sometimes we think we're not going to make it through that "test." As a friend says, things will get worse before they are better, it just happens that way. When you go through things like this it always helps to have a friend who has been in the same or a simliar situation. It makes me see that just because people have smiles and laughs all the time, it doensn't always mean that they're ok. That smile could cover up for a hearting heart, and a laugh to keep from showing that your falling apart. Some way some how you wil over come obstacles that you run into it won't always be easy but you'll get through it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I thought since I wrote a lot about her I would share some pictures. The first picture is her when she just got finished with her first surgery ever, and the second one My little munchkin after her sugery a couple days later, and all she does is smile :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Babygirl Prt 3

So April 4th my little munchkin had another surgery. They had to see everything was going ok in her little body and they also changed her cast so it can fit better to her size. I was not here to go, but she is doing awesome. She is currently in California, they went to go visit my aunt, my cousin's mom. They will be back tomorrow and I will probably go and see them this weekend. I'm so glad that God keeps her safe everytime she goes through these percedures.

Panama City !

Panama City was a blast ! It was a vacation that was well needed, we did tons of stuff. Every day we went out to the beach early morning and just layed out , as the day progressed we did things like shopping, walking along the beach , and shopping. It was a fun time with friends, but to bad we had to come back to school. When I came back to Ft. Wayne it was rainy, and i thought to myself why did I have to leave a very sunndy city to come to this drought? I only wanted to come back because I was able to see my family again.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"A Soccer Phenom Puts the 'I' in Team,"

This girl is amazing. She is very dedicated and talented in what she does. When she started playing, "she was ten years old and by then she was playing on a co-ed team. She made all seven goals to her game and would make the score 7-6." At that time she was doing 2,000 juggles without dropping the ball. I think it takes a lot of work and dedication to stay with something for so long and have such a passion for it. I think its great how her family backs her up you always have to have someone there who can support you and cheer you on. As a junior she has been asked to play for the University of Carolina, a school that she had always wanted to play for since she discovered the, " Tar Heel legend Mia Hamm" play score a goal for them. She was given a choice to choose between freestyle and just being a soccer player but she can't choose just one, she wants to keep going with both. I love the fact that she plays on a boys team, I think it gives her more experience and lets her play at a faster speed. I think that its a great experience in what she is able to do, and that you don't see the motivation that she has for one thing in teens today.It's always good to go after you goals and that's just exactly what she is doing, and she doesn't care what others have to say about her.

Highschool Seniors Predict

The one where I can relate to the most would be the girl who would like to do hair and make-up on sets of movies. She has some insecurities and I think I could somewhat relate. I also like doing other people's hair. I find the girl who wants to be a Pediatrician because I love little kids and to help them would make me feel good about something. The one I find that will probably not make it as a career is the marijuana baker, even though he thinks that he is doing a good job and helping people get what they need I still don't think it should be something or won't come to be a job.
In ten years I see myself with a career. Still somewhat undecided in what I want to do. It would be between a pediatrician or a lawyer, but I would also think about doing something to wear I can work with people that have pace makers and stuff.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

1000 awesome things

Here are a couple of things that I like

#290-Saying yes
this talks about how this guy has a best friend and they have known each other since they were little. Each of them has been there for each other through the years, but one moved so when he visits they are excited so see each other. I can relate to this because i have a best friend that has always been there for me. We are like two peas in a pod. She lives about 40minutes from here which isn't to bad, but I see her just about every weekend.

#305 When little kids hit the age where they just start saying hi to everyone

I find this one to be funny. I have a little cousin who is two and we recently have went shopping(he loves shopping with me,and also holds my things). As we were shopping we went into Forever 21 and he went to all the ladies and smiled and said hi!! It was soo adorable, but yet I know he'll be a ladies man so that will cause some problems for us later on down the road.

jumping through the sprinkler in your bathing suit,this is always something fun. When you have those hot summer days and nothing to do the cold water seems like the best idea..or you can even put the sprinkler under a trampoline

Count Down!

there are only 7 SCHOOL days left till some of us will be soaking up in the sun. Many of Homestead students will be leaving for Florida or other states, while some of us will be staying in good ol' Fort Wayne :)..have funnn

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


OK so Morp was this past Friday here at Homestead, it was alright. It was fun dancing all night with friends and just doing crazy things but the funniest thing may have been the teachers going around with flash lights and teachers getting mad that students were getting mad at them. I think that Homestead should really put thought into the DJ because lately they play music that you can't really dance too. It was fun after morp people usually do things, my group went to Ihop and I bet the lady wishes we wouldn't come back. We've been there a couple times and she is always our waiter. I guess the next dance some of us have to look forward to is Prom, then after that we look forward to our summer !

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Babygirl Part 2

So this pass weekend I traveled to Wauseon, Ohio to go visit my little munchkin. The surgery had gone absolutely great! Unfortunately she will have to be in a full body cast until she is healed, she will have to undergo three more surgeries for the doctors to see that the bone is forming correctly. She will be expected to have the cast on for about 6 months or more. The cast is from her chest down, it goes all the way down her leg on the right side, and half way on her left which is good so that way she is able to move at least one of her legs. Let me tell you its a pain in the butt though to change her diaper. All in all I'm just happy that everything went well and that she is well on her way to be able to do everything that normal babies are able to do.


As the story is being reported all over the media parents of the children are starting to prepare themselves for either the good or bad news. As time of the day passes on more and more kids show up to designated areas whether it be at another school, or still somewhere on school grounds, but as more children show up the police start their investigations to find some idea in who was responsible for all this. Friends that were close to Eric and Dylan were starting to put some of the pieces together and are coming to a conclusion that they may be responsible for all that has happened. Even though they were going on with their interviews there were still students stuck inside the school, it was still one o'clock in the afternoon at that time.
Kate Battan was the lead investigator in this whole thing, and on repeated times she has heard the names Eric and Dylan being responsible. She then sent patrol cares to each of their homes. Eric's parents were uncooperative but on the other hand Dylan's parents were really cooperative and answered anything they needed and let them check his room. Still back at Columbine they were still loading students into the buses, but as time goes on the bus departures are dwindling down and some of the parents hope are lowering. As students are sent home ones that are close to Eric and Dylan start to think of things that could have lead to them knowing what they were up too. Robyn, was a close friend to them she was also interested in Dylan so when they had invited her to go to a gun show she went. When they were there the boys had found some automatics that they had like but were unable to purchase because they were underage, but since Robyn was with them they were able to make the purchase they needed.
A guy named Chirs Morris had called the cops within the hour when he suspected his friends to be responsible for this. He mentioned how Eric had an interest in explosives and how he would make jokes about cutting the power off from the school and setting bombs throughout all the exits. He had also mentions too the cops how Dylan had brought a bomb into work to show him, but he had ordered them to take it off the premises right away, also he said that they had gone gun shooting but didn't think it was anything to be concerned about. As the cops at the school are preparing to go in to look for more hostages or even the killers, they soon find the news that the gun men had committed suicide. They had killed themselves knowing they would be in serious trouble and that it would not be worth it.
If this was to happen at Homestead I think a lot of us would freak out and just try to leave and unaware of the danger and how it would be better to get somewhere and hide. I would not want to have to be in this big mess and fear my life. A school should be highly aware of what is brought in. Just like at Concordia Lutheran that time a kid stabbed another kid during lunch period. It's not as drastic as to what had happened at Columbine, but it is still something that should not happen, granite they can not keep up with as many students as what we have but they should still be aware as to what students are doing or may do.

Monday, February 28, 2011

2.28 Diction Exercise

"Once Upon a Time" By: Jack Gilbert

A) Stumbling, incidentally, accidentally, baffled, innocent.

B)Elevation: Mystified, Faltering
Connotation:Parenthetically, Unintentionally
Sound: Pleasing
Concreteness: wide- eyed,

C) In Jack Gilbert's mystical and pleasing poem emphasizes the substantial way of how life goes on.