Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"A Soccer Phenom Puts the 'I' in Team,"

This girl is amazing. She is very dedicated and talented in what she does. When she started playing, "she was ten years old and by then she was playing on a co-ed team. She made all seven goals to her game and would make the score 7-6." At that time she was doing 2,000 juggles without dropping the ball. I think it takes a lot of work and dedication to stay with something for so long and have such a passion for it. I think its great how her family backs her up you always have to have someone there who can support you and cheer you on. As a junior she has been asked to play for the University of Carolina, a school that she had always wanted to play for since she discovered the, " Tar Heel legend Mia Hamm" play score a goal for them. She was given a choice to choose between freestyle and just being a soccer player but she can't choose just one, she wants to keep going with both. I love the fact that she plays on a boys team, I think it gives her more experience and lets her play at a faster speed. I think that its a great experience in what she is able to do, and that you don't see the motivation that she has for one thing in teens today.It's always good to go after you goals and that's just exactly what she is doing, and she doesn't care what others have to say about her.

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