Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wired Family

I think my family can easily fit into this catergory of being a "wired family." Its crazy how much we are in our own little world, my mom will be on her ipad, dad's on his iphone,me on my laptop and my little sister in ipod touch. Even if we're not on those devices we are constantly on our phones, even when we are to sit down as a family and watching a movie. Television is not as big as being on the computers. I think its kind of sad how some of us will be up stairs and others down or even us being right beside each other and still text each other to communicate. Laptops, Ipads, Ipods, phones have a big role in what we do, because we seem to be on them all the time and instead of maybe having a family conversation we would rather be streaming Netflix, or Facebook, or latest fashions we can buy. I think most of every American family goes through this just because of what all there is out there, and it seems more interesting then to have conversations with one another. Communicating through devices are becoming more efficient then an one on one talk.

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