Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Blog Day

In purpleflower I like some of the post that they did. on the 1000 awsesome things i can relate to most of what they had listed, I've been in all of those situations. I also like where they talked about spring, because I am soooo ready for it to get here ! It somewhat shares the mood that most of us are ready to have.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Posh By: Lucy Jackson

This book starts off with a women names Elizabeth Goldfine, she a women who is wealthy and seems like she has a lot for herself. She had been diagnosed and her llife was to be terminated six months give or take a month. As she is on her death bead the only thing she thinks to do is get a manicure. She has a daughter who's name is Morgan, and Morgan's bestfriend is names Julianne. Elizabeth doesn't seem to take her death seriously, she simply states that everyone must go at sometime, Morgan is the one who is having a hard time with it. When they see that Elizabeth had passed they begin to notify everyone they needed too, Kathryn Hoffman, headmistress of Griffin School, had sent out emails to everyone informing them of when the funeral was to take place. Julianne's mother, Dee is more of one who rather be the bestfriend then the parent.
Throuh all what is happening the most the interested me was that Elizabeth wasn't all to concerned with her dying, she just says it part of the cycle of life. If I were to be in that situation I would be so devistated that my mom was about to leave me , not by choice of course but still the fact of losing one that I adore so much, it is heartbreaking. I hope that I wouldn't have to go through that.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sometimes we wounder why we go through some of the things we go through. People say they're simply tests , and sometimes we think we're not going to make it through that "test." As a friend says, things will get worse before they are better, it just happens that way. When you go through things like this it always helps to have a friend who has been in the same or a simliar situation. It makes me see that just because people have smiles and laughs all the time, it doensn't always mean that they're ok. That smile could cover up for a hearting heart, and a laugh to keep from showing that your falling apart. Some way some how you wil over come obstacles that you run into it won't always be easy but you'll get through it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I thought since I wrote a lot about her I would share some pictures. The first picture is her when she just got finished with her first surgery ever, and the second one My little munchkin after her sugery a couple days later, and all she does is smile :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Babygirl Prt 3

So April 4th my little munchkin had another surgery. They had to see everything was going ok in her little body and they also changed her cast so it can fit better to her size. I was not here to go, but she is doing awesome. She is currently in California, they went to go visit my aunt, my cousin's mom. They will be back tomorrow and I will probably go and see them this weekend. I'm so glad that God keeps her safe everytime she goes through these percedures.

Panama City !

Panama City was a blast ! It was a vacation that was well needed, we did tons of stuff. Every day we went out to the beach early morning and just layed out , as the day progressed we did things like shopping, walking along the beach , and shopping. It was a fun time with friends, but to bad we had to come back to school. When I came back to Ft. Wayne it was rainy, and i thought to myself why did I have to leave a very sunndy city to come to this drought? I only wanted to come back because I was able to see my family again.