Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Teenage Driving

There are many different situations for teenagers to make a bad decision, but one of the most occurring bad decision making time would be when they are driving. They could either not pay attention to what is happening on the road due to distractions in the car such as peers, radio, and the cell phone. Studies show that while talking on a cell phone while driving, causes you to react slower than a 70 year old person. In 2007, nearly 1,000 car crashes had occurred due to using a cell phone or texting,and those were only ages 16 to 17. Not only does a cell phone distract you from driving but also having other individuals. While having your friends in the car with you, you are always distracted whether it be from looking at the guy in the car beside you, or changing the radio station, or maybe just maybe pulling people down from you sun roof.(lol). I think there should be more ways to prevent car crashes due to impaired driving, and maybe it could save more lives.

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