Monday, February 28, 2011

2.28 Diction Exercise

"Once Upon a Time" By: Jack Gilbert

A) Stumbling, incidentally, accidentally, baffled, innocent.

B)Elevation: Mystified, Faltering
Connotation:Parenthetically, Unintentionally
Sound: Pleasing
Concreteness: wide- eyed,

C) In Jack Gilbert's mystical and pleasing poem emphasizes the substantial way of how life goes on.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snow Days

Okay, so I appreciate all these days off from school, but what I don't appreciate is the days we will have to make up in the summer! We could have had just a few delays but some of these cancellations are uncalled for. I'd rather go in the snow, then have to be in school on the hot and sunny days. I guess I could just go outside and play for awhile. What would you rather do? Go to school now, or have all these make up days in the summer?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


My little cousin who will be 5months in March will be going through a surgical procedure. When she was born the doctors thought she had a slight hip replacement, but when they took her for her check up's they reported that she was fine. Where they right??NO...she had gone to long with out a brace to fix it. If they would have been accurate when she was born or even after a month or two she would have only had to wear a brace for that long, but now its been to long where a brace wouldn't do anything to help. They could opp to wait till she gets older to have the surgery but it would be better for her to do it now. She will be in a full body cast for a couple of months and have 3 more additionally surgeries to follow up and make sure the hip stays in place. I hope my little munchkin will be okay and when all is said and done she will be a happy babygirl again

2.23 Diction Excercise

Stardust By Neil Gaiman

A)Jut, Amidst, Wall, Descendants, taciturn, placid, asphalt, treacherously

B)Elevation: Sophisticated, Cultured
Connotation: Imaginative
Sound: hush, Relaxing
Concreteness: Imaginative, Inspired.

C) Neil Gaiman sophisticated, imaginative language conveys the peaceful outlook.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Road Tripppp

So some friends and I are thinking about driving down to Indianapolis to see the state wrestling matches. I know Bellmont, Homestead, and Snider for sure will have people competing from those schools but I'm not sure what other schools will be there. If we do decide to go it will be a fun car ride, a car full of people, music blasting, and jokes all around, why wouldn't it be fun? If we go I think I would have to cheer for the guys wrestling for Bellmont, I mean Bellmont is like one of the best in wrestling, and the boys are pretty cool, and I know this because I came from there. I hope homestead does good to don't get me wrong. Other than that I would hope to do some shopping down there..WOOHOOOO. I think it would be fun because you would be able to have a good time with my friends and goof off and seem to take a break from the world and not really care about anything. So until next time, we'll see if we took this road trip, and if not well, darn.